A.C.T. Like a Hero: The Journey to Self

The hero’s journey has been told and retold in many different ways in every culture throughout the world. Yours might go something like this:

You’ve got all your ducks in a row, established some healthy routines, and you’re comfortably progressing on your career path. Then “bam!” you hit a wall. You’re stuck. You wake up knowing something’s missing and you don’t know what it is.

It’s relatively common:  It may be a mid-life thing, but it can happen early on, and it also strikes toward the end of one’s career. In that moment of stuckness, we are faced with three choices: go back, stand still and stagnate, or jump ahead to an uncertain future.

Welcome to the hero’s journey, which applies to you just as much as it does to classical heroes like Odysseus and Hercules. Joseph Campbell wrote about this phenomenon in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he examines these mythic figures, such as Jonah, Odysseus, and King Arthur.

The hero’s journey begins with a call or a problem that we can’t ignore, but which requires we discard outmoded ways of being. To learn what we need to answer the call, we risk facing unknown challenges.

To refuse the hero’s call is to stagnate and die. To move forward we must change–but we don’t know exactly how. The hero engages in the serious work of self-assessment, reflection, and painful exploration of his insufficiencies and failings.

To undertake the hero’s journey is to question everything, but particularly one’s self. How can we accept ourselves in spite of our doubts and insecurities? How do we gain confidence to lead others knowing our weaknesses? The hero faces self-discovery with brutal honesty to become more authentic and real.

These questions are worth contemplating, even more so with a coach or mentor. That’s something I might be able to help you with. Contact me here or on LinkedIn and let’s talk.

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